
RV Dynamics is the world’s leading supplier of the RVing FuseSwitch™ 

If a Motorhome owner/user wants to tow a flat towable vehicle, often there is a requirement to remove one to three fuses. While they can be manually removed from interior and/or exterior fuse panels this is awkward and sometimes very difficult due to the location. Removing and reinserting fuses frequently results in wear to the fuse panel connections since those panels were designed with lifetime insertion-removal cycles of 25. This wear lead to increased resistance at the fuse connections, creating damaging heat at the connections, often enough to melt the fuse base. Fuse panels damaged in this way require costly replacement. In addition, keeping track of the removed fuse, the risk of dropping or losing the fuse after it is being removed or replaced in awkward locations are all potential hazards. Installing a RVing FuseSwitch™ eliminates all of these issues. This is even more important, since frequently the towed vehicle is disabled and cannot be driven without the fuse in the circuit.

RV Dynamics offers an end to end solution by providing a directory of Vehicles that require fuses to be removed. This list is frequently updated as vehicle manufacturers make changes or introduce new models. We keep our customers up to date by supplying current model year/vehicle application charts. 

We have been making the RVing FuseSwitch™ since 1998. Our experience is world class. Not only can we supply five distinct versions developed for these applicable vehicle locations, we have complete, color photo-illustrated installation instructions that can be customized to a customer’s needs. In addition, these products can be shipped in consumer ready packages (customer supplied), ready for the end user. 

This proven product is available in five versions, which range from models designed to remove High Current FMX style fuses up to 50 Amps, one which features dual ATO/ATC fuse holders for up to 20 amps and three ATM versions capable of removing one or two ATM or MicroMini fuses. These RVing FuseSwitches™ provide a 'Flip a Switch and Tow' experience. 
We offer toll-free 800 telephone customer service response and prompt priority email response to customer questions.

Recent product introductions include Tow Vehicle Battery Maintainers (TVBM) which are designed to integrate with the tow vehicle light wiring. These provide up to 15 amps of 12 Volt power from a suitably equipped motorhome to maintain the charge in a towed vehicle’s battery while being towed. 

Contact us at 866-304-9112 or click here to email us.